Grace812 Offers Path to Wholeness Beyond Addiction | WESTCHASE DISTRICT

Revolutionizing Recovery

In Westchase District, a new ministry is making waves by offering a path of recovery and redemption to individuals seeking solace from the clutches of addiction. An extension of Grace Presbyterian Church, the name Grace812 represents a combination of the gift of grace, the teachings of the eight Beatitudes, and the transformative principles of the 12 Step program.

Pastor Aaron Hansz, who describes himself as a recovered addict 18 years clean, is the leader behind this program. Drawing from elements of the 12-Steps and Biblical principles, Hansz has uniquely blended these frameworks to create a program that resonates with a diverse range of individuals. “We are seeing an epidemic of addiction,” said Hansz. “Churches have often responded to addiction with shame, guilt and fear, but these approaches don’t work. We want to do church differently.”

Recovery in Community

Central to Grace812’s identity is its weekly gathering, held Saturdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Grace Church, 10221 Ella Lee Lane. Rooted in the spirit of community, attendees convene around a shared meal and engage in small group sessions that integrate the 12 Steps. Hansz envisions Grace812 as a haven of diversity, a place where individuals from all walks of life can find refuge and unity in their journey toward recovery and a space for those who have been hurt by religious institutions in the past to reconnect with spirituality without fear of judgment.

Since its inception in February 2023, Grace812 has rapidly gained momentum, drawing up to 20 people each week. The program’s allure lies not only in its structured approach to recovery but also in the power of communal support. “The road to recovery is best navigated within a community where mentorship, shared experiences and mutual encouragement are present,” Hansz explained.

While Grace812’s primary focus is addiction recovery, its impact extends far beyond this realm. “We are all recovering from something. The struggles faced by those combating substance addiction mirror the battles of less outwardly visible vices like power, greed and the relentless pursuit of success,” said Hansz.

Lives Changed


Hansz acknowledges that only about 10% of participants continue their recovery journey after a year. Yet, for him, the success stories make it all worthwhile. He recounts the stories of lives rebuilt, families reunited and futures redefined.

“A homeless man that came through the program was eventually able to get himself into an apartment. The church helped him get some furniture and now he and his kid live together under a roof,” Hansz shared.

“We had another man who loved Armani suits and expensive cars. He was struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and other high-risk behaviors. Three years later, he had repaired the relationship with his family and most nights could be found at home having dinner with them.” Hansz pauses before giving his favorite line, “He still wears Armani suits and drives expensive cars, but they no longer mean anything to him.”

Meeting the Need


Hansz sees his journey to Grace Church as the result of Divine intervention. After a friend encouraged him to apply for a discipleship pastor position at Grace Presbyterian, his history with the addiction recovery ministry caught the church’s attention. Recognizing the pressing need for such a program, the church decided to pivot, and created a unique position for him – Pastor of Recovery and Outreach. Reflecting on this, Hansz added, “Grace Presbyterian strives to serve the Westchase District community with whatever tools God puts before them.”

Looking toward the future, Hansz envisions a reality where Grace812 becomes financially self-sustaining with 100 plus people participating on a weekly basis. The long-term vision includes teaching the program to other area churches and building an entire network of support that involves shelters, doctors, rehab centers and more.

Volunteers from Grace Church are gravitating toward the mission and coming alongside Hansz to help. If you or someone you know is looking for a recovery program or is interested in more information, contact Hansz at or 281.800.8555

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