Elected Officials Join Business Owners to Support Bounce Back Westchase Campaign | WESTCHASE DISTRICT

Tiffany D. Thomas, Houston City Council Member, District F, expresses her support for business.

“We need to stay in business. My employees need their jobs.”

Tina MacInnes’ words echo the paramount sense of urgency facing hundreds of thousands of businesses across the nation. A leading Salata franchise owner, MacInnes joined local elected officials and economic development professionals at an event hosted at her restaurant.

MacInnes’ message found a receptive audience as they all celebrated the launch of Bounce Back Westchase. The campaign was created by Minuteman Press Westchase and local franchise owners Sharon and Paul Rayner jumped aboard to ensure its success.

The Rayners have felt the economic pain like never before, seeing a 50-percent drop in orders since COVID struck. “Like many business owners, we have kept our employees at full salary but stopped paying ourselves. We are holding on until we bounce back,” said Paul Rayner.

Paul Rayner, Sharon Rayner, and Tiffany D. Thomas at Salata’s 10898 Westheimer restaurant.

Instead of accepting the downward spiral, the Rayners used their built-in resources at Minuteman Press Westchase to help businesses bounce back. They created a free online platform where businesses can post offers and customers can sign up to receive them along with posters for store front windows.

“It’s a way for business to re-engage customers with a reason to shop again because they may be reluctant for health and safety reasons,” said Rayner. The website features offers from a broad range of categories including restaurants, spas, a candy store, and education institutions. For instance, Primrose School of Westchase District is waiving all registration fees as part of Bounce Back Westchase. Registering is quick and easy added Rayner.

Houston City Council members didn’t hesitate to join in raising awareness about the campaign. “We’ve been sharing this in our newsletter,” said Tiffany D. Thomas, council member for District F. “We’ll continue to use our platform to raise the awareness, to let people know that businesses are back. And that businesses are responsible enough to take care of their employees and the people who patronize them, so they can feel safe to come in and do their business.”

“This sort of thing you’re doing today – pushing the envelope, pushing people to open, to get back to business – is vitally important,” said Mike Knox, council member at-large, position 1.

Mike Knox, Houston City Council Member At-Large, Position 1, says getting back to business is vitally important.

Kari Werner, President of the Houston West Chamber of Commerce, has seen the crisis impact on the Chamber’s members. “Small- to mid-size businesses have been devastated by the slowdown and the closure. These are the businesses we want to help bounce back with community effort and neighbors helping neighbors,” said Werner.

Salata is one of those members. “You all are the voice of the community,” said MacInnes “You talk to a lot of people. Thank you for being brave enough to come out and be the voice and stand up to some of the decisions that are being made in Houston right now.”

Bounce Back Westchase will continue through the Fall. In the meantime, here’s how to help:

  1. Sign up a business. Sign up if you own or manage a business that would benefit from additional customers.
  2. Let a business know about Bounce Back. If you think a business needs help, they do. Show them this article or send them to BounceBackWestchase.com.
  3. Sign up to get the weekly email of discounts. If you want to take advantage of these discount offers, go to BounceBackWestchase.com and follow the link to get offers.
  4. Be a Partner. If you work for a business that has a large number of employees or contact list, be a partner and forward the weekly discount list. Partners get recognized on printed material and official thank you. To be a partner call 713-PRINTER (713-774-6837)


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