Ted Gutierrez, co-founder and CEO of Cyber Threat Be Gone, shares best practices on how to avoid computer hacking for businesses of all sizes.
With headline news almost daily about data breaches, information leaks and companies held for ransom, the threat of cybercrime is real and relevant. To learn more about this danger and how to combat it, Westchase District hosted a presentation on “how to not get hacked” at its recent quarterly public safety alliance meeting at the Houston Marriott Westchase.
“We recognize that cybercrime can strike anyone these days, not just large corporations,” said Mark Hubenak, Westchase District’s public safety director. “It can cost companies thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to recover from a cybercrime attack, sums that can shut down many small- to medium-sized businesses.”
“The exponential growth of Internet devices have created a huge playing field for organized crime to steal your money and your information,” said Ted Gutierrez, co-founder and CEO of Cyber Threat Be Gone, a Houston-based cyber security firm. “The key is to identify your risks before a criminal exploits them.”
Gutierrez said that managing cyber risks isn’t just about technology, but about properly integrating policies, procedures, risk identification, threat intelligence, mitigation and response plans. “This is true for small businesses as well as large enterprises,” he said. “The difference is in implementing these principles so that they work within the context of your business and are applicable to a company’s industry.
Some highlights from Gutierrez’s presentation:
- Anyone connected to the Internet is at risk of being hacked.
- Every business can be exploited by hackers.
- Every business can manage the following:
– time to discover
– time to react
– time to recover
- No single product or service can or will protect your business.
- Only a layered and holistic approach to cyber security can manage and minimize hacker attacks.
For more information about cyber security, or to schedule a free consultation, call 832-540-9936 or visit www.cyberthreatbegone.com.

Schlumberger’s Frank Bertolino (left) and Westchase District’s Mark Hubenak
Schlumberger earns public safety partner award
Hubenak presented Frank Bertolino, Schlumberger’s U.S. facilities manager, with the Westchase District Public Safety Partner Award in honor of the oilfield services company’s continued commitment to public safety. “Schlumberger has worked with us consistently to make sure its employees are educated and trained in best safety practices,” Hubenak said. “We’ve conducted public safety trainings for their employees and they regularly host health and safety fairs on their campus. Schlumberger is a model for other Westchase District businesses to follow.”