Houston City Council unanimously approved a 10-year extension of its 380 agreement with Westchase District at its meeting on November 1, 2023.
The new agreement came after Westchase District completed the first ten years of the 380 program, which resulted in the construction of Woodchase Park, the complete rebuild of Walnut Bend Lane, streetscape improvements on Westheimer Road, and – soon to come – Camden Park and the rebuild of Meadowglen Lane west of the Sam Houston Tollway. The following projects are part of the second 10-year agreement.

Richmond Ave will be reconstructed between Beltway 8 and Woodland Park Drive. This 1.4 miles of roadway will be converted from four-lanes to six-lanes curb and gutter drainage. All roadway widening will take place within the existing right-of-way. The existing water line and sanitary sewer easements located along the edge of the right-of-way will be used for pedestrian access improvements, including wider sidewalks, landscaping, pedestrian lighting, upgraded transit stops, and street furniture. The reconstructed roadway will include an attractive public realm that connects the different functions and public spaces of a roadway and invites people to walk, cycle and use public transit.

Roadway Improvements
Three Westchase District streets will be rebuilt in the next phase of the 380 agreement. They include: Meadowglen Lane (between Gessner and Seagler); Hayes Road (between Westheimer and Richmond); and Wallingford (between Westheimer and Meadowglen.) Each of these projects will prioritize mobility, public safety, curb appeal and sustainability with new, upgraded underground utilities, new roadway pavement and continuous bike lanes. Other back-of-curb improvements include rebuilt sidewalks, custom bus shelters, pedestrian lighting and upgraded landscaping.

Pedestrian Improvements
Tanglewilde Street will be enhanced with a side path to include a widened, continuous sidewalk, pedestrian lighting, landscaping and public art. These improvements will provide pedestrians and cyclists with a safe route for accessing retail and transit destinations on Westheimer.
The Westpark Trail, which currently runs between Gessner and Briarpark in the CenterPoint Transmission Corridor, will be extended west to connect to sidewalks along the Beltway frontage road. This trail is used by pedestrians and cyclists visiting Woodchase Park and other destinations.

This project, first envisioned in Westchase District’s Long-Range Plan, will be the first of its kind in the area. We propose to take an existing alleyway (south of Westheimer, between Wilcrest Drive and Walnut Bend Lane) and transform it into a walkable and bikeable pedestrian route. The project will include paving, lighting, landscaping and utility relocation.

A pedestrian promenade will be built just south of Westheimer between Seagler and Gessner. This shared-use corridor will connect communities, green spaces and urban areas, fostering walkability and community engagement.
A second infill street is planned just south of Westheimer between Wilcrest and Walnut Bend.

Hundreds of light poles, identical to those previously installed throughout Westchase District, will be added to Briarpark Drive, Pagewood, Woodland Park and Wilcrest. This improved pedestrian lighting will greatly enhance safety in the area by providing improved overnight lighting for the employees and residents who access commercial properties and apartment communities along these busy streets, as well as those who are accessing public transportation in the early morning or late evening hours.

Westchase District is coordinating with a local landowner to develop a 3-acre park at Westheimer and Beltway 8. The park would be modeled after our other parks, with the addition of an outdoor performance pavilion with both fixed seating and lawn seating. A shared parking structure would be used by adjacent office building tenants, apartment residents and park guests.
The first step will be to conduct a feasibility study to see if the pavilion would work in Westchase District. And if so, it would be plugged into the pipeline of projects.